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The Unapologetic Man Podcast

Feb 13, 2025

When you deliver the right words, with the right tonality, you can have massive influence over how other people feel and react to you.

This isn't just some hocus-pocus; the CIA has invested substantial amounts of money into understanding why we can assert so much power by using specific phrases.

Mark has done extensive...

Feb 10, 2025

Most of you have had the experience of treating a woman like a princess, thinking it's a great idea to give her everything she wants, only to have it come back and kick you in the teeth as she’s now treating you like a doormat.

So, is the only way to stay in the masculine position by being a bad boy?

Not necessarily....

Feb 6, 2025

Women instinctively throw in little tests to assess what kind of frame you have. They want to see if you become upset or emotional easily.

When they do this, it's important that you don't try to justify yourself, play into her games, or sell yourself to her—otherwise, she's going to lose attraction for you.

Feb 3, 2025

There is a universal truth in the universe: the energy you put out is the energy you receive. How you choose to act and treat others will come back to you in kind.

If you constantly put out negativity and treat others poorly, what kind of life do you think you'll have?

On the other hand, if you live with honor,...

Jan 30, 2025

Men love hobbies. We love to learn and develop new skills. It's how we de-stress, and it's one of the primary ways we socialize.

But from a female perspective, not all hobbies are made equal. Women feel drawn to men with hobbies that signal ambition, discipline, and social skills.

If you paint Warhammer and play video...